
Benjamin Michalowicz

CS PhD Student at The Ohio State University
Aspiring Researcher, Freelance Musician, General Nerd
michalowicz [DOT] 2 [AT] osu [DOT] edu

Brief Bio

I study Computer Science at The Ohio State University, where my research broadly lies in High Performance Computing. Curerntly, I'm working as research assistant in the Network-Based Computing Lab , under the direction of Dr. Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda. Previously, I was a Master's Student in the Exasca||ab, headed by Dr. Barbara Chapman at Stony Brook University. I graduated from Stony Brook University in 2020 and in 2021 with a B.S. and M.S. in Computer Science, respectively.

During my undergraduate career, I did research in the COMPAS Lab (2018-2019), was a teaching assistant in the Stony Brook Computer Science department, and was snare-line section leader of the Stony Brook Marching Band Drumline from 2017 to 2020.

Whenever I have time, I like keeping my drumming chops up to speed, and I also can be found reading the occasional CS paper or being a nerd and enjoying tabletop RPGs.

Non/Technical Skills

  • Experience in various programming languages: C, Java, Python, Shell Scripting, Fotran-2008, OCaml, LaTeX
  • Technologies: Git, OpenMP, Slurm, OpenMP, MPI, Compiler Toolchains (GNU, LLVM, Cray, Fujitsu, Intel, etc.)
  • Highly skilled in non-melodic percussion (Drum Set and Marching Percussion specializations, see CV for more details)
  • 4th Degree Black Belt, Tae Kwon Do (Rank of Master)
  • Limited Working Proficiency of French

Recent Experience

  • SCinet Student Volunteer, SC'24
  • Research Assistant, The Ohio State University, May 2021-Present
  • SCinet Student Volunteer, SC'23
  • Student Researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory, May 2023-August 2023
  • SCinet Student Volunteer, SC'22
  • Student Volunter, SC'21, Nov 2021 (Recognized as one of the top Student Volunteers)
  • Non-melodic percussion, 2007-Present;
    • Teacher, percussion, 2015-Present (On-Demand)